Karate for teenagers

Eine Gruppe von Menschen übt Karate in einem Dojo. Ein Ausbilder mit schwarzem Gürtel beobachtet, wie eine junge Frau mit weißem Karateanzug und braunem Gürtel eine Technik an einem jungen Mann mit weißem Karateanzug und schwarzem Gürtel ausführt. Eine andere junge Frau mit einem braunen Gürtel schaut im Hintergrund aufmerksam zu. Der Schauplatz ist ein Dojo mit Matten auf dem Boden.

Are you ready for a new challenge that not only strengthens your body, but also your mind? At Samurai Karate Berlin, we offer you exciting karate training that combines fun, action and movement. Here you can discover and develop your personal strengths!

Karate for you

Das Bild zeigt eine Gruppe von Karatekämpfern in einem Dojo. Sie tragen traditionelle weiße Karateanzüge mit verschiedenen Gürtelfarben, die ihre Ränge anzeigen. Zu der Gruppe gehören sowohl Erwachsene als auch Kinder. Es scheint, als würden sie gerade eine Übung machen, bei der eine Person einer anderen bei der Ausführung einer Technik hilft. Die Kulisse ist ein hell erleuchteter Raum mit blauen Matten auf dem Boden und Fitnessgeräten im Hintergrund.

Our training is not just about traditional karate techniques. We attach great importance to you practising self-confidence, discipline and respectful behaviour. These values are important because they support you; not only in karate, but also in your everyday life. We create a safe and supportive environment in which you can develop freely.

We know that it is important for you to be fit and agile. That’s why we work intensively on your coordination and motor skills. We use special exercises and techniques to help you take your physical skills to the next level. Karate at Samurai Karate Berlin is not just a sport – it is preparation for everything that life has in store for you.

Training that is fun

Our instructors are experienced and really enjoy teaching you karate. They know how to motivate you and at the same time create a safe training environment. You will receive individualised support and can progress at your own pace. You will see how you become more confident and stronger with every training session.

But karate is not just something you do on your own. Together with your training partners, you will learn the importance of teamwork and mutual respect. These skills are not only important in the dojo, but also at school and in life.

Find out how much fun karate can be and how it can change your life for the better. At Samurai Karate Berlin, your path, your karate and your goal take centre stage.

Training times

18:15 Karate for teenagers & adults (from 13 years)

18:45 Karate for teenagers & adults (from 13 years)
19:45 Karate for teenagers & adults (from brown belt)

18:30 Karate for teenagers & adults (from 13 years)

18:15 Karate for teenagers & adults (from brown belt)

Try us for free

Start your karate journey with us today and discover how you can become more self-confident, disciplined and coordinated. Karate for teenagers at Samurai Karate Berlin – the perfect start to your successful and self-confident future. We look forward to seeing you!